Made By Humans #3 - Suzanne Matczuk, Meet Our Mystery Writer

Meet me! I’m Suzanne and I wear a lot of hats here at Mail Order Mystery, by which I mean sometimes I even wear a Bigfoot Costume. I also write pretty much everything here, including all five of our mysteries.

I love writing Mail Order Mysteries. Each one has been challenging in its own way. And getting kids excited about reading is a genuine thrill, and one of the most rewarding professional experiences I could ever hope to have.
Occasionally we get a review like this one from Samantha B and it makes everything so worthwhile...

When I write Mail Order Mysteries I write them for my 11 year old self. For me, everything about Mail Order Mysteries would have been magical when I was a kid. They didn’t exist for me then, but I can make them for kids now. Kids have so much going on these days, and so much to engage and distract. Anytime a Mail Order Mystery captures a kid’s imagination enough for them to forget about screens, at least for a while, I feel like I have really accomplished something.