It’s Not Too Late for a Mysterious Easter

Easter is just around the corner. And we know what a challenge it is to find gifts that are small enough to fit into those little baskets. You know what does fit perfectly into an Easter basket? A BUNNY! You know what else fits perfectly into an Easter basket? A MAIL ORDER MYSTERY!
Sadly our household remains divided on the topic of bunny acquisition. Yours may be as well, which is why we recommend you go with the Mail Order Mystery. Mail Order Mysteries begin with a single, intriguing envelope that can tuck right into the fake purple straw between the marshmallow chicks and the chocolate bunnies.
If you order before next Monday we can ship the first letter on Thursday, April 11. We ship from Canada and, depending on where you live, mail usually arrives within a week. That gives the Easter Bunny the option of leaving the first letter of the mystery or a gift note announcing that a mysterious experience is about to begin.
And the best part? Mail Order Mysteries keep on giving long after that chocolate bunny is gnawed to oblivion. For six weeks kids are the heroes of their own extraordinary mystery stories.
For six weeks they get to be detectives and spies, knights and treasure-hunters. They have clues to solve, ciphers to crack and missions to complete. At the end, they get a collection of keepsakes from the Mail Order Mystery experience that are so cool they will cherish them for many Easters to come.